TMN Team Member Onboarding


Review: TMN Team Member Handbook

Review: Anti-racism In The Work

Read & Sign: Confidentiality Agreement

Complete: Image/Likeness Consent

Complete: Handbook Confirmation

Review: Self-care & Boundaries

Complete Self-care Assessment

Review: TMN Orientation

Please Schedule A One-On-One

Click the blue link above & please select a time from the available options. During this one-on-one meeting we will go over the basic responsibilities and duties of the volunteer role. After this meeting, we will do a Shadow Training (which is where we go over the steps to performing the volunteer role).

Final Step

Please submit a photo of yourself to the email: This photo will serve as the website picture, with your team role, and will be featured on our TMN Team Webpage. Please be sure to include your name as you would like it to appear on the website. You can also “opt out”, and your picture will not be provided on our webpage, instead a “Place Holder” image will be left in it’s place, and your first name, and last initial will be listed on the webpage, along with your role within Trans Matters Now.

Again, we thank you for volunteering! If you have any questions, please reach out to the Executive Director, James:

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