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Gender Neutral Parenting

By: James Blake May 3, 2020

Gender neutral parenting involves multiple related themes including gender-stereotypes, sexuality, and gender identity. Literature suggests that gender neutral parenting origins are based on assumptions that children are usually treated differently due to their gender. Stemming from an era when second-wave feminists were determined to make their female children more diverse in the home, school, life, and workplace in order for them to have more diverse opportunities. The gender neutral approach to parenting is often used as a way to purposely go against how children have historically learned gender stereotypes and adopted gendered traits. Click here to see full article.

Coming Out As Transgender To Children

By: James Blake Aug 3, 2018

Coming Out As Transgender to Children If you believe you may be transgender, you are not alone. There are over a million transgender people in America today. That number reflects the ones that have come out and are now identifying as their transgender identity. This does not reflect those that are still coming to understand their gender identity, or may choose to stay in the closet. Click here to see full article.

What Are Our Rights?

By: James Blake Oct 9, 2017

So much going on in the world today with religious and world leaders bound and determined to rule over what someone does with their own body. And just what gives them the authority to say what I can do with my body, or what you can do with your body? How do they feel as if they have the final say in abortions, gender confirmation surgery, and other extremely personal decisions? Even with topics such as alcohol and cigarettes I’m leaning toward let people do what they do, as long as we don’t infringe upon the rights of others. Click here to see full article.

Advocacy Comes in Many Forms

By: James Blake May 2, 2017

…We want to bring the message of intersectional acceptance to a wider audience. We want to be the advocates that we needed when we were adolescents questioning our gender experience. We want to be the example to our children that we needed when we were young. We want to do more, to be more for the transgender/gender non-conforming community, as well as our own little family. We want to set an example of what determination can look like in the face of adversity, giving up is not an option. Click here to see full article.

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